What Gets Me Up in the Morning and What Keeps Me Up at Night - Multifamily Real Estate Investing

With Percy Nikora, Co-Founder

What gets me up in the morning is, again, there's so much opportunity out there, if you know what you're looking for. Again, Penn Capital is still in its early stages. There's a lot of growth in front of us. As such, there's a lot of work that has to get done.

So, I like to get up early in the morning, start my morning routine and start knocking some stuff out. Again, there's- we have a small team, a focused team, and we have plans to grow the team, but there's just a lot of stuff that needs to happen. In the night, I often wake up at 2:00, 3:00 in the morning and say, "Oh, I need to do this, this, this," and then, at 4:30 or so, up and start."

To answer what keeps me up at night, sometimes, it's those things. Oh, I've got to do this, or I have to get this out. There's always, always ways to improve the existing operations or whatever, so we're constantly thinking of ways of doing that. Just last night we had some thoughts on that, so we're all ... The team is connected on some technology that allows us to collaborate, so we're sending messages out. Luckily, it doesn't disturb them in the middle of the night, but in the morning, when they're up, the message is waiting for them. We've tried to use the collaboration tools.

We use Slack to send these quick messages out. Then, again, like I said, we have some other systems where we put in some of the more formal metrics, et cetera. We've also started to adopt something called EOS, which is the Entrepreneurial Operating System. I don't know if you've heard of that, but it helps ... It's sort of like a combination of lean startup and taking a lot of experiences from a lot of different younger-stage companies and distill it into a set of prostheses that will help them get traction. It's written- it's based on a book called Traction. So, we've started to adopt that, as well.

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