How to Take Control of Your Destiny with Real Estate - Multifamily Real Estate Investing

With Ed Rogan, Co-Founder

We had a guy that was one of the deals we bought was from a guy who bought the property out of foreclosure a few years ago, and he bought it so cheap and with a private loan. I mean, there's just so many great opportunities out there to pick up good deals, because whether it was a deal that fell into foreclosure because the previous owner just didn't manage it well. Then it was bank owned. Then somebody over levered it and tried operating it passively. It could have been a property that was drug through the mud and just was in and out of distressed situations for the past 10 years but it's an excellent area. It's in a place where there's jobs and population is growing and you can go in there and buy it for pennies on the dollar and it might look ugly and it might need some work to it but at the end of the day, you're in such a if you're in a prime location and you're buying the structure for the price of the raw land. You can't lose. I mean, you can't lose.

It's only upside from there. I mean, all you have, you go in there and, put a couple coats of paint on it, fix the rotting wood and things like that. Put in some new carpet in and you can lease it up, be like, 50 percent below market and still make your money on it. So that's the kind of thing we really like to do in real estate, because you can't do that with other asset class. You can't do that if you're buying oil wells or mineral rights. You can't do that if you're trading high volume stocks and bonds and things like that. You're really at the mercy of public sentiment and just the general volatility of the marketplace in those assets. Real estate, you really have your control over your destiny. As long as you're responsible with the leverage, because that's where you can get yourself tripped up. But if you, you're careful with how you lever your debt, then really you really have the opportunity to control your outcome.

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