How to Skyrocket Your Growth by Being Investor Focused

With Percy Nikora, Co-Founder

I was sort of recruited by by Merrill Lynch for the initiative that they were starting, and they wanted to be the first brokerage to have an online presence. So I went there was part of a small four or five person team. And we essentially created the first online presence. And that project became very successful.

It was, though, it was unique for them because they were full service brokerage firm and they had this sort of self service channel online, which ultimately sort of changed the entire their entire business model to able to leverage some of these online technologies to empower their their clients. So that project got a lot of visibility throughout the financial services industry.

That project ended up being featured on the front cover of BusinessWeek.

So slowly that it started to build on itself. We started to grow. The company went from two people to close to 50 people and went into eight figures of revenue. And at that time, this was in ninety eight.

So the platform, the online platform that we build, even though it was sort of the early days, the objective and the goal is very similar to why you would want an online platform today. It's ease of use. It's having sort of seamless usability for your end client. So they can access the information when they want it, when they need it, and can tap into resources that are readily available at their fingertips and not relying on somebody else to bring this to them. And it's information when they want it, where they want it. And today on any device.

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